April 27, 2016
The title says it all. Time to get on board the Trump train! At least this what the majority of Republicans now believe for the first time since the primaries began.
Although always in the lead, Donald Trump has faced an uphill battle, as both the mainstream media and establishment Republicans have violently opposed his popularity. They have even gone as far as to openly talk about stealing the domination from him at the convention if he is unable to secure 1237 delegates required to automatically make him the party nomination.
This talk has been brought up by party officials in the Republican party, but is being scaled back as the backlash has been scathing and severe. Rightly so, as an action of this would be directly against the will of its party members and show how truly far democracy in the United States has sunk.
The challenges for those not wishing to see Trump in power have just gotten that much more difficult, as he has officially surpassed the 50% approval rating among Republican party members, meaning that he does indeed have the will of people on his side.
This is good news for freedom and liberty lovers, as it shows that a successful rogue entrepreneur can still make it. It shows that the financial elite, who have manipulated precious metals, who have manipulated the broad markets and who have manipulated the world in the direction that they "think best" are not all powerful. It shows that the people are fighting back and that we still have a chance to turn this mess around.
This is amazing news for those of us in the precious metals community as well, as it has been reported that Trump is a fan of gold and has even accepted it as a deposit for his properties in the past, indicating that he is the camp of Ron Paul in understanding the value of precious metals.
The path to victory is far from complete, as party officials will pull out all the stops and tricks that they can conjure up to stop his nomination. The "funny business" will continue and the possibility of a contested convention is in no way, shape or form off the table as of yet.
I will say this, if the nomination is stolen from Donald Trump, and if the will of the American people is not heard, I believe the Republican party for all practical purposes will cease to exist, its members completely disenfranchised. The curtain will be fully pulled back and the people will make their voices heard, whether the elite like it or not. The fight for honest money, freedom and liberty, as it always has, will not only continue on, but intensify.
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