Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Chart Of The Day: Is China Sending A Warning?

In yesterday's discussion on the technical underpinnings of the market, I pondered the question of whether Greece was really the primary issue of concern for investors.
"Whether, or not, a Greek exit from the Eurozone or a potential debt default is "the thing" that sparks the next major correction in the markets is unknown. Historically, such a widely"known" event is generally already factored into the markets and has much less of an impact when that event eventually comes to fruition. As Art Cashin suggested this morning:

'I think China may be more important than Greece. Stick with the drill – stay wary, alert and very, very nimble.'"
I think that Art may be onto something. While Greece is indeed an issue, and did confirm that they would default on their debt payment to the IMF, this is something that has been long in the making. China, on the other hand, is very a different story.
Today's chart(s) of the day is a look at the history of "bubbles and busts" of the Chinese Shanghai index.
Emerging markets have a long history of speculative investment bubbles and bursts. Whether it has been South American debt or emerging market stocks, they speculative push to garner higher yields or returns has always ended up badly.
As shown in the chart above, the first bubble and burst occurred in 2001. It took almost 4.5 years before that particular investment bubble was unwound.
The second bubble began in early 2006 and after a blistering run popped in mid-2007. Almost 7-years later that bear market ended as the fuse was lit for a new surge to record highs over the last several months.


Take a very close look at the chart above as there is something eerily familiar about it.
As I stated, throughout history emerging markets have gone through a continuous series of booms and busts driven primarily by speculative greed. Whether it was chasing higher yielding debt instruments or just hopes of more lucrative stock market returns, these chases occurred very late in the market cycle when returns became lean in more mature markets.
The chart below shows why the chart above is so familiar.
The boom/bust cycle of the Chinese Shanghai index has a relationship to the S&P 500 index. The first bubble in China occurred as the "Dot.com" bubble in the U.S. moved into a full speculative frenzy.
After the bursting of that bubble, money primarily stayed domestically oriented until late in the "real estate/credit" bubble. At that late stage, speculation had once again reached the "irrational exuberance" phase as beliefs of ongoing stable economic growth, and the rise of emerging market dominance filled the airwaves. In just a few short months, those dreams were rapidly shattered as economic, and market realities, came to the fore.
Following the "financial crisis," money once again stayed focused primarily in domestic indices as the Federal Reserve flooded the system with liquidity to boost asset prices in hopes of stabilizing a weak economic backdrop. However, as the Federal Reserve ended its last liquidity program, money flooded into China once again chasing liquidity and hopes of higher returns.
The recent plunge in the Chinese market may, or may not be, the sound of the latest bubble popping as I write this missive. However, there are two very important warnings be given here:
1) The current bubble will eventually end, just as the last two have, in a rather disastrous plunge for those chasing returns.
2) The plunge will also likely be coincident with an unwinding of excesses in the S&P 500.
The current belief is that the economic environment is stable, and growing enough, to support and foster continued expansion in domestic markets for the foreseeable future. Of course, that was also the belief at the peak of the previous two bubbles as well.
I think that Art Cashin could very well be right. Greece may not be "the thing." We need to keep a close eye on China as it may well be the leading indicator for what happens next in the U.S.
*  *  *
But then again there's this from Goldman Sachs this morning:
Although Chinese equities have taken quite a hit, the manner in which they have fallen seems bullish in nature.

NATO Member Turkey Breaks Ranks: Slams EU Austerity, Offers Greek Aid

While perhaps not on the scale of China or Russia assistance, Turkey has thrown its hat into the Troika-Greece farce by offering financial assistance to its embattled neighbor. As ekthimerini reports, "We are ready to help Greece survive its economic crisis with cooperation in tourism, energy, trade," Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said and Turkey's left-wing parties showed solidarity by adding, "we believe that apart from imposing austerity policies on peoples of Europe, there can be more reasonable agreements." While no aid has been asked fro Turkey says it is ready to evaluate options.
Turkey on Tuesday said it was "ready to help" Greece out of its escalating financial crisis as its embattled neighbor edged closer to default.

"We are ready to help Greece survive its economic crisis with cooperation in tourism, energy, trade," Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said in the capital, Ankara.

"We want Greece to be strong... Therefore Turkey will be positive toward any proposal for cooperation," he said in televised comments.

Davutoglu added that a Turkish delegation would travel to Greece for a high-level cooperation meeting as soon as possible to consider joint steps on the financial crisis.


Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci said on Monday if an official proposal for financial aid is made by Greece, "we will evaluate it."

Turkey's left-wing and Pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) also issued a message of solidarity with Greece, saying: "We are together with the Greek people and their government in their struggle for justice, equality and democracy and against austerity."

"We believe that apart from imposing austerity policies on peoples of Europe, there can be more reasonable agreements, which will be acceptable," said the co-chairs of HDP, considered the Turkish equivalent of Greece's ruling SYRIZA party.
It seems Greece has friends after all, and as we 'joked' previously:

Perhaps Turkey will provide the DIP?
Meanwhile, work goes on with other options... Greece hasn’t sought aid from Russia, support wouldn’t hurt, Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis tells in intw with Russia’s state TV channel Rossiya 24.

Greece Asks For 2-Year Bailout From ESM, Merkel Shoots It Down

Update 3: Merkel keeps pouring it in. Bloomberg reports tthat German Chancellor Angela Merkel says at event in Berlin that offer from Greek government over bailout program “cannot be clearly identified.”
"Greece has decided that the program will expire at midnight tonight. We have made clear today: There are new offers today which cannot be clearly identified, negotiations which we cannot specify. Before the planned referendum will be held, we will not discuss negotiate anything new."
Update 2: The Greferendum cancellation calls have begun and Greece has now effectively applied for a DIP loan.
Update: EU finance ministers will reportedly hold a teleconference shortly to decide on Greece's bid for an ESM loan. "Group of euro-area finance ministers have responsibility to choose whether to approve Greece’s bid for two-year bailout program from European Stability Mechanism," Bloomberg reports, citing an unnamed EU official.

Here's the statement from Tsipras' office:
"The government will fight for a viable deal until the end and within the euro. This will be the message of the No vote. We will say No to a bad deal on Sunday. From the first moment we made clear that the decision to conduct a referendum is not the end but a part of the negotiation for better terms. Greece remains at the negotiating table.”
But once again, German lawmakers aren't having it, as the headline hockey heats up:
and the result: EURUSD plunge (which is odd because everyone said that Europe x Greece would be much stronger, right?)

With a sovereign default now just hours away, both Greece and Europe may be starting to second guess the decision to open Pandora's Box with both sides cancelling press events citing "emergency meetings". The latest headlines have Greece requesting an ESM bailout and pressing for debt restructuring.
  • Dijsselbloem Cancels TV Interview Due to Urgent Obligations
  • Greek Govt Cancels Press Briefing Citing Emergency Meetings
More, from Bloomberg:
Greek govt submitted request to European Stability Mechanism today for a two-year agreement, which will fully cover country’s financing needs and includes debt restructuring at the same time, according to an e-mailed statement from the PM’s office.

Greek govt will strive for a sustainable agreement within euro area; that will be the message of a No vote to a bad deal in Sunday’s referendum Referendum isn’t the end of negotiations, but the beginning of talks under better terms for the Greek people; Greece remains at the negotiating table
To which we said:

Sure enough:

Meanwhile, German lawmakers — who have grown increasingly frustrated with Chancellor Angela Merkel's lenient negotiating tactics — are aggravated with the stream of headlines emanating from Athens and Brussels (via Bloomberg again):
It’s quite surprising that there are new proposals coming out of Brussels,” says Volker Kauder, parliamentary leader of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party.

“Things haven’t changed: Greece has broken off negotiations, there will be a referendum and the second aid program is expiring tonight.”
And as usual, the ultimate decision will rest in the hands of the Germans.

Finally, we present the following "spotlight" from the ESM's latest annual report with no comment:

The Global Template For Collapse: The Enchanting Charms Of Cheap, Easy Credit

Cheap, easy credit has created moral hazard and nurtured magical thinking throughout the global economy.
According to polls, the majority of Greek citizens want the benefits of membership in the euro/EU and the end of EU-imposed austerity. The idea that these are mutually exclusive doesn't seem to register.
This is the discreet charm of magical thinking: it promises an escape from the difficulties of hard choices, tough trade-offs, the disruption of vested interests and most painfully, the breakdown of the debt machine that has enabled the distribution of swag to virtually everyone in the system (a torrent to those at the top, a trickle to the majority at the bottom, but swag nonetheless).
If we had to summarize the insidious charm of magical thinking, we might start with the overpowering appeal of using credit to ease all difficulties.
Need money to fund various healthcare/national defense rackets? Borrow the money. Need to keep people employed building ghost cities in the middle of nowhere? Borrow the money. Need to keep buying shares of the company's stock to push the value of each share ever higher? Borrow the money.
The problem with cheap, easy credit is Cheap, easy credit destroys discipline. The lifetime costs of debt taken on to fund bridges to nowhere, healthcare/national defense rackets, ghost cities, stock buybacks, etc. are never calculated. The opportunity costs are also never calculated.
When credit is costly and hard to get, marginal borrowers can't get loans and nobody dares borrow at high rates of interest for low-yield, high-risk schemes. When credit is costly and hard to get, what doesn't pencil out doesn't get funded.
When credit is cheap and easy to get, every scheme and racket gets funding because hey, why not? The cost is low (at the moment) and the gain might be fantastic. But even if the gain is unknown, the kickback/campaign contributions make it worthwhile even if the scheme fails.
Professional economists are duty-bound to claim national economies are not merely extensions of households. But this is just another falsity passed off as sophisticated truth by a profession that is being discredited by the reality of its failed policies, failed theories and failed predictions.
Since human psychology remains the dominant force in all economics, the household and national economies can only differ in scale.
In the 1970s, credit was scarce and hard to get. Young workers qualified for a $300 limit credit card, and it took careful management of that responsibility (always paying on time, etc.) to get a meager increase to $500. Mortgage rates were high (10%+) and your income and household balance sheet were scrutinized before any lender took a chance on lending you tens of thousands of dollars to buy a house. After all, the bank would be stuck with the losses if you defaulted.
Then came financialization. Banks could skim the profits from originating loans and offload the risk of default onto towns in Norway, credulous pension funds and other greater fools.
And if a default threatened the bank--for example, Greece in 2011--the bank simply bought political power and shifted the debt onto taxpayers. "The ATMs will stop working," the bankers threatened their political flunkies in Congress in 2008, and the bought-and-paid-for toadies in Congress and the Federal Reserve obediently shifted trillions of dollars in private liabilities and sketchy debt-based "assets" such as mortgages onto the taxpayers and the Fed balance sheet.
The same transfer of risk and losses occurred in Europe, as these charts demonstrate: (Source: If Greece Defaults, Europe's Taxpayers Lose)
Here is the debt in 2009--mostly owed to private banks and bondholders:
Here is the debt in 2015--almost all was shifted onto the backs of taxpayers:

Ask yourself this: if you could shift risk and losses to the taxpayers, how would that affect your investing/gambling? Wouldn't you take much higher risks, knowing that losses would not fall to you but to abstract taxpayers? Of course you would, and this is the essence of moral hazard--the disconnect of risk and consequence.
Cheap, easy credit has created moral hazard and nurtured magical thinking throughout the global economy. The heart of magical thinking is that consequences have been disappeared or shifted onto others by financial enchantment.
The interest on the debt will be paid by growth.
We will make so much money on this investment/gamble, paying off the debt will be easy.
This bet can't lose because the Fed/People's Bank of China/ECB/Bank of Japan etc. will never let the market decline.
When I write about the Martian Central Bank issuing quatloos to save Earth's bankrupt financial system, we know it's a joke: the Martian Central Bank and the quatloo do not exist.
But there is no difference between believing in cheap, easy credit as the solution to all problems and believing that the Martian Central Bank will save us from the consequences of cheap, easy credit and the destruction of fiscal discipline.

In Big Boost To "No" Vote, Schauble Hints Greece Can Default And Stay In Euro

In waht appears to be some level of German backing down, fiery FinMin Schaeuble has, reportedly said the following:
More from Bloomberg:
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble told lawmakers in Berlin that Greece would stay in the euro for the time being if Greek voters reject austerity in a referendum scheduled this week, according to three people present.

Schaeuble also said the European Central Bank would do what’s needed to protect the euro if Greeks voted against the bailout terms in the July 5 referendum, according to the people, all of whom participated in the closed-door meeting on Tuesday. They asked not to be identified, citing the private nature of the discussion.

The German Finance Ministry declined to comment.
Which incidentally, is good news for Tsirpas as it spurs the probability of a consequence-less "no" vote on Sunday enabling the increased negotiating position that The Greek government had hoped for. Of course, with month-end looming and a market that just gave up all 2015 gains, stocks and EUR are rallying on this and bonds are selling off, if only until the next rumor, and then the next, until we finally get clarity at 5pm Eastern when the news of whether Greece defaulted to the IMF or not hits, and is therefore officially out of its bailout program.

So now EUR is rallying because an EU with Greece is a stronger EU?
Charts: Bloomberg

Varoufakis Confirms Greece Will Default To IMF Today

May as well spoil the ending of what happens at midnight local time today. Nothing (as previously reported). From Reuters:
AP has the well-known by now details:
Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis confirmed that the country will not make its payment due later to the International Monetary Fund.

When asked while walking out of the Finance Ministry about whether Greece will pay the 1.6 billion euros due to the IMF, Varoufakis said "no."

His comment came amid speculation that Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is trying to craft some sort of last-minute deal with creditors before the payment is due and before the European part of Greece's bailout comes to an end.

A Greek official said Tsipras has spoken with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi and European Parliament president Martin Schulz.

The official did not reveal what was discussed.
To which Merkel had a prompt reply:
The default may be in the books, but the bluff continues: can Greece default in the Eurozone as Varoufakis has claimed all along, or will the collapse of the Greek banking system tomorrow after the ECB makes the ELA illegal topple the government? Find out in a few short days.

European Regulators Suspend Trading In Greek Bonds Citing "Trading Harmony"

Regulators across Europe are beginning to curtail trading in Greek assets as the country’s stock market remains closed and Greeks grapple with capital controls and prepare for a default to the IMF at midnight. 
Luxembourg’s market regulator has suspended trading in bonds issued by National Bank of Greece, Alphabank, Eurobank, Piraeus Bank, Eurobank, the Hellenic Railways Organisation and the Hellenic Republic. 
“The request for the suspension of trading came from the Luxembourg regulator- the ESSF. A spokesperson for the Bourse said that since the Greek stock exchange was closed meaning trading was not possible in Greece, the Luxembourg regulator said trading should be suspended in Luxembourg too in the interests of European trading harmony,” FT says.
"There's a variety of reasons and criteria as to why we would be asked to suspend. I can't remember the last time we were asked, it would have been a while ago. The one I can remember was a request for Banco Espirito Santo when we were asked to suspend trading in shares and bonds,” an exchange officialtold Reuters
Meanwhile , the UK’s FCA has asked Tradeweb to block Greek bond trading. 
So while some regulatory bodies are indeed concerned about the idea of “trading harmony”, Global X apparently isn’t because the FTSE Greece 20 ETF is still trading despite the "holiday" in Athens, meaning any retail investors hoping to BTFD ahead of a "Nai" Greferendum outcome are effectively trading a CEF without knowing it.  

Germany Pre-emptively Crushes Today's Rumormill, Says Too Late To "Discuss Greek Program Extension"

In our overnight market wrap, we said that with the Greek D-Day doubling as quarter end for countless hedge funds most of which are now suddenly underwater, there would be a plethora of rumors designed to spark buying momentum algos which would provide brief selling opportunities. Alas, Germany appears to have crushed that particular option, when moments ago a German made it clear that at this point the only catalyst will be the now virtually certain Greek default to the IMF at midnight (+/- 1 leap second) Greek time. To wit (from BBG):
Greece on the other hand kept the hope alive as Athens still doesn't get that to the Eurozone it lost the blame game and as such the European population is now, supposedly, convinced that a Grexit will be its own doing, when it said:
Which doesn't mean that rumors won't end. They just won't be credible, and as such in just about 10 hours time we expect to have the first official Eurozone default in (its brief) history.http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-06-30/germany-pre-emptively-crushes-todays-rumormill-says-too-late-discuss-greek-program-e

Greek D(efault)-Day Arrives, As Does China's Plunge Protection Team

The Greek D-(efaultday has arrived, and with it so has quarter-end window dressing for many underwater hedge funds (recall the S&P is now red for the 2015) which means the rumor mill today will be off the charts.
And sure enough, less than an hour ago, futures exploded higher as did the EURUSD, following another "report/rumor" of a last minute detente between Greece and the Troika when Greek Ekathimerini said that  "Tsipras is reconsidering the last-ditch offer made by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, sources have told Kathimerini."
According to the Greek newspaper's rumor "the pressure caused by the closure of banks as well as the expiration of the Greek bailout program on Tuesday has caused some members of the government to urge Tsipras to accept Juncker’s offer. Sources said the prime minister’s office has already informed the Commission that it is examining the proposal. According to what is known of the proposal Tsipras would have to send a written acceptance of the version of proposals from the lenders published on Sunday, with a pledge to campaign for them to be accepted in the planned July 5 referendum."
This follows a report yesterday that following his clearly intoxicated speech, Juncker had sent a last minute, ad hoc offer to Greece, one without Troika preapproval, which Greece quickly rejected had ever been received. 
However, as last night, so today there was little sign that Tsipras was prepared to drop his repeated rejections of the bailout offer, which he has dismissed as a "humiliation" for Greece.
Sure enough, just a few moments after the Kathimerini rumor emerged it was denied.

Then again, since this is last minute endgame posturing mostly as to who gets stuck with the blame, expect a relentless surge of such rumors and denials, starting off stop hunt avalanches and epic momentum ignitions in today's market in which there will be zero liquidity, until the very last minute, which means midnight for Athens, at which point the IMF program runs out unless there is a €1.6 billion payment, which however there won't be as the wheels of the last bluff are now in motion, which will ultimately end with the bursting of the "irreversible currency and union" bubble.
And in other bursting bubble news, after an early crash which sent the Shanghai Composite down 5.1% in early trading and nearly down 20% in just 4 days, the Chinese Plunge Protection Team finally arrived and after the PBOC almost literally threw the kitchen sink at the stock market as described yesterday, decided to go all in stocks, leading to an unprecedented 11.2% swing from the lows to close up 5.6% - this was the single biggest intraday swing since 1997 and the largest point swing since 1992!
Because when you are a central bank, you go big or go home, and when the opportunity cost is civil war, as is the case in China, one can be sure that 11% intraday swings are just the beginning.
It remains to be seen if this clear intervention will do anything to halt the public panic that the stock bubble has indeed finally burst.
However, with the PBOC finally doing its sworn duty, it meant that the SNB did not have to intervene for a second consecutive day and bid up the EUR. As a result the EUR tumbled from its "tractor beam" level around 1.125 dropping nearly 100 pips overnight before the fake rumors drove it modestly higher.
As a result, Asian equities mostly rose to shrug off yesterday's global sell-off, which saw the S&P 500 and DJIA erase their YTD gains. Nikkei 225 (+0.6%) and ASX 200 (+0.7%) failed to sustain any solid direction as participants traded cautiously amid the continued Greek bailout drama. Elsewhere, the Shanghai Comp. (+5.5%) set its biggest gains since 2009. As a guide, volatility in Chinese stocks are now at its highest level since 2007. Furthermore, participants continue to digest reports from China that the government are considering cutting the stamp tax for stock trading as well as talk of suspending IPOs, while the PBoC injected CNY 50bIn into the market. JGBs fell amid profit taking in long end following yesterday's risk off trade coupled with a lack of BoJ buying.
In Europe, so far today the session has seen the continuous conflicting newsflow that has been typical of the Greek saga with stocks initially selling off in a similar, although less dramatic fashion to yesterday. Sources then noted a poll suggesting that Greece is currently in favour of a no vote in the upcoming referendum, with this meaning that Greece would reject the latest bailout terms, with European leaders suggesting that a No vote is a vote to leave the Eurozone. However shortly after sources in Greek press stated that the Greek government is reconsidering EC President Juncker proposal made last night, which they initially rejected. However, this was later denied by a Greek official although did claim Greece may make a counter proposal.
As such, despite the initial weakness in equites, European indices did see a bid later on in the morning (Euro Stoxx: 0.0%), with the periphery trade back green. Elsewhere, the news that Syriza are reconsidering Juncker's offer has seen Bunds come off their highs to fall into negative territory, however the German benchmark still outperforming its US counterpart, with USTs down around 9 ticks heading into the North American crossover.
In FX markets, EUR lifted off lows following the Juncker news, with the currency broadly weaker throughout the morning. EUR/GBP briefly broke below 0.7100 amid EUR weakness and after GBP saw a bout of strength on the back of an improved final reading of UK GDP, with the Y/Y figure beating expectations (2.9% vs. Exp. 2.5%, Prev. 2.4%.), however the cross was unable to sustain the move, with source comments from Europe seeing the pair break back above the level.
The USD (+0.25%) resides in positive territory, bolstered by EUR weakness as a consequence of the aforementioned Greek uncertainty as the pair trades back below the 1.1200 handle, while other pairs fairly unmoved during the European session. Of note, RBA Stevens continued his recent jawboning rhetoric and stated it is highly probable that AUD will weaken and that the country needs it to.
The commodity complex has seen little price action throughout the session, with commodity specific news flow fairly light, with Brent crude futures outperforming WTI after Libya's Nafoura and Majid oilfields have shut due to recent protests; an electricity outage has also led to the closure of the Albayda oilfield, according to the AGOCO spokesman
Looking ahead, this afternoon sees Canadian GDP, US Chicago PMI, API
Crude Inventories as well as Fonterra Dairy Auction and comments from
ECB's Nowotny, Fed's Bullard and Dudley.
In summary: European shares fall with the basic resources and oil & gas sectors underperforming and banks, autos outperforming. Greece said to reconsider yday’s Juncker offer, Ekathimerini reports. Greek stocks trading outside of Athens are either falling or untouchable after this weekend’s drama. The U.K. and Swedish markets are the worst-performing larger bourses, the Italian the best. The euro is weaker against the dollar. Japanese 10yr bond yields rise; Irish yields increase. Commodities gain, with zinc, nickel underperforming and corn  outperforming. U.S. consumer confidence, ISM Milwaukee due later.
Market Wrap
  • S&P 500 futures up 0.7% to 2065.2
  • Stoxx 600 down 0.3% to 384.9
  • US 10Yr yield up 4bps to 2.36%
  • German 10Yr yield little changed at 0.79%
  • MSCI Asia Pacific up 0.8% to 146.2
  • Gold spot down 0.4% to $1174.8/oz
  • Asian stocks rise with the Shanghai Composite outperforming and the Sensex underperforming; MSCI Asia Pacific up 0.8% to 146.2
  • Nikkei 225 up 0.6%, Hang Seng up 1.1%, Kospi up 0.7%, Shanghai Composite up 5.5%, ASX up 0.7%, Sensex up 0.5%
  • All 10 sectors rise with staples, financials outperforming and consumer, tech underperforming
  • Basque Phone Carrier Euskaltel Valued at $1.3b in IPO
  • Sumitomo Mitsui Said Poised to Buy GE Europe Buyout-Funding Unit
  • Sony to Raise $3.6b Selling Stock and Convertible Bonds
  • Willis Group, Towers Watson Agree to Combine in All-Stock Merger
  • Euro down 0.52% to $1.1178
  • Dollar Index up 0.46% to 95.22
  • Italian 10Yr yield down 2bps to 2.37%
  • Spanish 10Yr yield little changed at 2.35%
  • French 10Yr yield little changed at 1.24%
  • Greek 10Yr yield up 31bps to 15.39%
  • S&P GSCI Index up 0.4% to 433.5
  • Brent Futures up 1% to $62.6/bbl, WTI Futures up 0.6% to $58.7/bbl
  • LME 3m Copper down 1.1% to $5727/MT
  • LME 3m Nickel down 1.4% to $11665/MT
  • Wheat futures up 0.6% to 587.3 USd/bu
Bulletin headline summary from RanSquawk and Bloomberg
  • Today's session has seen the continuous conflicting newsflow that has
    been typical of the Greek saga, with European equities coming off their
    worst levels heading into the North American crossover
  • Sources
    noted a poll suggesting that Greece is currently in favour of a 'no'
    vote in the upcoming referendum, before sources in Greek press suggested
    that the Greek government is reconsidering EC President Juncker
    proposal, which was denied shortly after
  • Looking ahead, this
    afternoon sees Canadian GDP, US Chicago PMI, API Crude Inventories as
    well as Fonterra Dairy Auction and comments from ECB's Nowotny, Fed's
    Bullard and Dudley
  • Treasuries decline, headed for first quarterly loss since 2013 as expectations Fed to raise interest rates later this year offset looming possibility of Greek default.
  • Greece said it will miss a payment to the IMF today, leave the protection of Europe’s bailout regime at midnight as PM Tsipras dared European leaders to throw his country out of the euro
  • EC President Juncker contacted Tsipras Monday and set out details of how a bailout accord could still be reached, according to an EU official
  • To keep the money flowing, Greeks must first endorse in a July 5 referendum the package of austerity measures rejected by Tsipras this weekend; should the “yes” side prevail, voters then might need to elect a government that can return to the negotiating table
  • BofAML head of European currency strategy Athanasios Vamvakidis expects Greeks banks will soon exhaust cash supplies, leading to shortages of imports including medicine unless the ECB expands assistance
  • Failure to resolve crisis has the potential to prompt a Greek withdrawal from NATO, increase the influx of refugees into Europe and threaten Greek support for international sanctions against Russia over Ukraine
  • Britain’s economy grew 0.4% in 1Q,, the Office for National Statistics said, revising its previous figure of 0.3%
  • Euro-area consumer prices rose 0.2% in June, gaining for a second month
  • German joblessness fell a seasonally-adjusted 1,000 to  2.79m,  the Federal Labor Agency in Nuremberg said on Tuesday; economists had predicted a drop of 5,000
  • Eleven of 21 economists surveyed by Bloomberg expect the PBOC will cut rates at least once more by year end, according to a June 27-29 poll after the weekend’s stimulus announcement
  • Sovereign 10Y bond yields mostly higher; Greece 10Y yields over 15%. Asian stocks gain, European stocks mixed, U.S.equity-index futures gain. Crude oil higher, copper and gold fall
US Event Calendar
  • 9:00am: ISM Milwaukee, June (prior 47.7)
  • 9:00am: S&P/Case-Shiller 20-City m/m, April, est. 0.8% (prior 0.95%)
    • S&P/CS 20-City y/y, April, est. 5.5% (prior 5.04%)
    • S&P/CS 20-City Index NSA, April (prior 175.2)
    • S&P/CS U.S. HPI m/m, April (prior 0.12%)
    • S&P/CS U.S. HPI y/y, April (prior 4.14%)
    • S&P/CS U.S. HPI NSA, April (prior 168.03)
  • 9:45am: Chicago Purchasing Managers, June., est. 50 (prior 46.2)
  • 10:00am: Consumer Confidence Index, June., est. 97.4 (prior 95.4)
DB's Jim Reid completes the overnight recap
Welcome to the last day of H1 2015, the good news is that we'll all get a second extra in bed tonight due to an adjustment made to international clocks in response to the earth's ever slowing rotation. Enjoy the lie-in tomorrow. Apparently when the dinosaurs ruled the planet there were only 22-23 hours in the day. How they managed to fit everything in I'll never know.
There might be a few days ahead that feel like a few hours have been added. The market at the moment is in controlled risk-off mode with little panic yet following the weekend developments. However this could change with any opinion polls that come in ahead of the Greek referendum. It seems how the question is interpreted by the electorate could be the decisive factor. Prior to the announcement of the poll, the Greeks were firmly in favour of remaining in the Euro. However the Government will likely want to try to make the vote about austerity not Greek Euro membership. In contrast, yesterday slowly saw a procession of EU spokespeople and Government leaders try to emphasis that this could be more of an 'in-out' vote.
The European Commission President Juncker grabbed most of the spotlight, saying that the ‘whole planet’ would see a ‘no’ vote as Greece turning its back on Europe while the ECB’s Coeure, in an interview with Les Echos, said that ‘exit from the eurozone, which was a theoretical point, can unfortunately no longer be excluded’. Elsewhere, despite German Chancellor Merkel still somewhat waiting on the sidelines, her Vice-Chancellor Gabriel said that a ‘no’ vote was ‘a clear decision against staying in the euro’.
Meanwhile, in a live interview on Greek TV station ERT, PM Tsipras was typically defiant saying that ‘the referendum will give us a stronger negotiating position when the talks resume’ before then going on to say that the higher the participation and number of people voting ‘no’, the stronger the government’s position will be. There was a hint however that in the event of a ‘yes’ outcome, Tsipras would honour the result saying that he ‘would act in line with the constitution’ and when questioned on whether or not he would resign in the face of a ‘yes’ outcome replied ‘I’m not attached to the chair’.
On a DB conference call yesterday, I was slightly surprised DB's George Saravelos suggested a no vote would just about be his current expectation. Over the weekend I was thinking a yes vote slightly more likely. I suspect that the market was also leaning towards a yes yesterday and as George said the relative calm (albeit at lower levels) for risk could be down to two reasons. Firstly due to expectations of a yes vote or secondly due to investors generally being relatively relaxed by the thought of a no vote and a potential Greek exit. The first one would be more worrying for risk if George is right.
As mentioned earlier the risk-off move yesterday was one that was well contained on the whole, although saying that we did see US equities drift steadily lower into the close. The moves were in fact enough to take US equities back into negative territory YTD although it’s a slightly better start in markets in Asia this morning. The Nikkei (+0.48%), Hang Seng (+1.21%) and Kospi (+0.39%) have all moved higher in choppy trading. The Euro is down around 0.4% against the Dollar while Asia credit is around a basis point wider.
Over in China meanwhile and after another volatile session yesterday where we saw the weekend’s rate cut positively impact the Shanghai Comp for all of 30mins before then plummeting to finish -3.34% at the close (including an 8% fall intraday), the index has followed up this morning with another hugely volatile session. Having fallen as much as 5% intraday, the Shanghai Comp is currently unchanged (-0.01%) as we go to print although again this may look very different by the time this reaches your inbox. With the bear market run the index is now 20% off the peaks of June 12th, which includes daily declines of at least 3% in 6 of the 12 trading sessions since that date (including the previous 3 sessions). In fact, we’ve heard this morning that the China government is considering a delay in the IPO of China Nuclear Engineering on the back of the volatility. There also appears to be signs in the Chinese press of a ramping up of soothing rhetoric. The Economic Observer is running a story that the China regulator is mulling measures to stabilize the stock market, while the China Securities Journal is running a front page story with the headline ‘An improving economy and continued loose liquidity will provide support for China’s stock market’.
Back to markets yesterday, having moved nearly 3.5% lower at the open, the Stoxx 600 recovered slightly over the course of the session to trade in a roughly 5 point range, eventually ending -2.69% at the close. There were similar moves for both the DAX (-3.56%) and the CAC (-3.74%), while the bulk of the pain was felt in the periphery where the IBEX (-4.56%) and FTSE MIB (-5.17%) both tumbled although again with much of the sharp move lower coming at the open before the rest of the day’s trading was relatively well contained. The Greek equity market was closed yesterday however we saw hints as to the pain there with a US ETF tracking Greek stocks tumbling 19% and another Athex ETF falling 15% before trading was suspended. In the US meanwhile, the S&P 500 (-2.09%) and Dow (-1.95%) both moved steadily lower after the European close. The fourth consecutive daily move lower for the S&P 500 has taken it to -0.06% YTD now, while the fall in the Dow saw it drop back to -1.27% YTD. In terms of credit, Crossover (+48bps) and Main (+10bps) ended the session at the wides, while there were meaningful moves in wider in Senior (+15bps) and Sub (+21bps) Fins in Europe. The cash credit market was marked wider but in a low liquidity market not much traded.
It was a similar story in sovereign markets for the most part yesterday. 10y Bunds eventually closed 12.7bps lower in yield at 0.793%, having gone as low as 0.703% at the open. There was a predictable sell-off in the periphery meanwhile, although again much of the move was fairly orderly. 10y BTP’s went as much as 50bps wider at the open, before then rallying back to close at 2.383% on the day, an overall move wider of 25.2bps on Friday’s close and the highest level now since early November. There were similar moves for Spain (+23.6bps) and Portugal (+33.8bps) also, while other core European markets saw a decent flight-to-quality bid including Netherlands (-9.2bps), Sweden (-8.0bps) and Switzerland (-6.0bps). There was an unsurprising sell-off in the Greek curve as we saw 2y (+1430bps), 4y (+730bps) and 10y (+387bps) yields move sharply higher. The risk-off tone extended into the US where we saw 10y Treasuries eventually end -14.8bps tighter at 2.325% and more or less at the lows (and have declined a further 1.1bps this morning). In terms of Fed Funds contracts the Dec15, 16 and 17 contracts fell 2.5bps, 8bps and 12.5bps respectively.
Some of the interesting price action yesterday was in FX markets. We noted in yesterday’s EMR that the Euro was around 1.5% lower versus the Dollar in the Asia session (with similar moves against other currencies). Well, as the day wore on we saw the Euro actually recover and more than reverse the early declines to eventually finish +0.62% up at the end of the US session at $1.124. The Euro has largely traded in an inverse relationship with European equity markets of late. The re-pricing of the Fed may have played a part in yesterday’s move, while there have also been suggestions that weakness in European equities of late is seeing prior QE trades unwind and triggering a stronger Euro.
Despite all the Greece attention, there was also some data for the market to keep an eye on yesterday. In the US in particular we got a slightly softer than expected pending home sales print for May (+0.9% mom vs. +1.0 expected), which was enough to drag the non-seasonally adjusted annualized rate down to +8.3% yoy from +12.6%. Meanwhile, we saw some improvement in the Dallas Fed manufacturing activity index, rising 13.8pts in June although to a still lowly -7.0 (vs. -16.0 expected). Before this in Europe, the main data release was out of Germany where we saw the preliminary June CPI reading come in well below expectations (-0.1% mom vs. +0.2% expected), the first negative print since January. Elsewhere, economic confidence for the Euro area for June (103.5 vs. 103.8 expected) was slightly below consensus, although there was no change to the final consumer confidence print of -5.6.
Before we take a look at today’s calendar, if Greece wasn’t enough, Puerto Rico is also generating some default-related headlines too after the Island Governor Padilla said that the nation will look to delay payments on the current debt load of around $72bn for ‘a number of years’, while also seeking a debt restructuring plan. Quoted in the NY Times, Padilla said that ‘there is no other option’ while a House Speaker for the government said that ‘it’s not that the debt will not be paid, it’s a matter of when Puerto Rico can pay’.
Looking ahead to today’s calendar now, the Euro area CPI print for June will be closely watched this morning, while we also get German retail sales and unemployment data, as well as French consumer spending and the final UK Q1 GDP print today. Over in the US this afternoon, the May Chicago PMI is due, as is the ISM Milwaukee, S&P/Case Shiller house price index and June consumer confidence reading. Of course the IMF repayment for Greece is due today and given the likely scenario of non-payment, there will be much focus on whether or not we see subsequent cross-default provisions triggered. For us it’s unlikely that any official institution will want to escalate this situation too aggressively ahead of the vote on Sunday though.